In the morning the sound of nature and the rooster to wake me up,
The frogs and the crickets put me to sleep at night.
During the day, when we are not hiking,
I am entertained by watching our Cofan family hosts as they interact, playing,
spending time, and going about the daily chores.
Then of course there is always constant entertainment in watching the animals outside,
the local kids play and laugh, and there is plenty of time to read and think,
time for everything and everyone.
The hike in was definitely not easy and we are miles from civilization,
the conditions are wild out here and very harsh at times,
but it is truly an amazing, forgotten place of yesterday...
The incessant rain and Scott crossing the river on our way out, after the canoes had washed away...

The mist rolls in, just before night fall.
I am still just trying to take it all in.
Out here in the Amazon, it makes you feel so small,
realizing once again that how we are just a part of it all.
Trying to look deep within my mind,
never knowing just what I might find.
The beauty of this place amazes me.
The wonder of everyone all working together in perfect harmony.
Always something new to learn and see,
the sense of family and community...
Having few possessions, but those they hold dear,
they live the simple life, with plenty of time for togetherness.
Helping one another each and every day,
saving plenty of time for socializing and play.
Although the life they live may not be "easy",
it certainly seems as close to wonderful as it gets, to me.

The crazy ride in the back of the truck to Lago Agrio...
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